Saturday, June 10, 2006

Another set of slip-ups happened Saturday morning. They were both diaper related. They were both oversights and underpacks.
We went to Orion's swim lesson at the Y Saturday morning. Even though I was up earlier than the rest of the family I did a poor job of making sure we got to the Y on time and fully prepared. In the changing room I noticed he had peed on the way. I put him in his swim diaper, and we joined the others in the pool. Afterwards I noticed that I hadn't brung any spare clean diapers except another swim diaper (which are more expensive than your average walking around diaper). What could I do? When we were at Head Start for my performance he had to ride home bare bottomed, but we were already in the parking lot when we discovered a poopy with no clean diapers. On this occasion I decided to us the flip and fold technique wherein a peepee diaper is reused for the short trip home.
At home I quickly get him in a freshy and put together some supplies for our next adventure: Calder's Baseball Game. Our pal, Calder, a first grader, has recently joined a team, and we get a kick out of watching him play. With baseball, however, the plays are short and fast, and often involving everyone besides our pal. It gets frustrating and boring, and Orion gets cranky when he remembers this.
You might think I would've learned after the experence at the Y. In fact, I did pack THREE diapers. However, I did not pack ANY wraps or plastic bags. When Orion poops we find this out in the portapotty. The wrap is basically salvagable for a second run. I'm asking, "Why Me?" Orion's thinking, "Daddy Clown".
A few innings later, Orion has decided to start running sprints. He's happy again. Then he sits quietly for a while. He has pooped again. There's no way we're staying, and I hate to put him in a car seat like that, but again it's only a mile to our house.
At home I throw him in the shower. Later that evening he poops while we're at the coop. They don't have everything we need, so we stop at the Ralph's Thriftway. He poops again. Trish handles both of these. She thinks it's all the broccoli and cauliflower he had at day care. I think it's the self-replicating machine elves working for the cosmic giggle.

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